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通过1∶5万矿山地质环境调查和遥感解译手段,对日照市矿山进行了全面的调查,查明各类矿山546处,主要集中在莒县和五莲县境内。除莒县刘官庄煤矿外,其余全部为露天开采矿山,主要选用直接开挖的方式,不仅破坏了地表环境,而且矿山生产活动产生的固体废弃物占用了大面积的土地。该文根据矿山地理位置及开采方式的不同,将相同类型的多个矿山划分为同一治理区,针对不同治理区的特点,采取科学有效的治理方法,建立健全矿山地质环境监督管理机制,切实解决矿山地质环境问题,改善生态环境。  相似文献   
A constitutive model that captures the material behavior under a wide range of loading conditions is essential for simulating complex boundary value problems. In recent years, some attempts have been made to develop constitutive models for finite element analysis using self‐learning simulation (SelfSim). Self‐learning simulation is an inverse analysis technique that extracts material behavior from some boundary measurements (eg, load and displacement). In the heart of the self‐learning framework is a neural network which is used to train and develop a constitutive model that represents the material behavior. It is generally known that neural networks suffer from a number of drawbacks. This paper utilizes evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR) in the framework of SelfSim within an automation process which is coded in Matlab environment. EPR is a hybrid data mining technique that uses a combination of a genetic algorithm and the least square method to search for mathematical equations to represent the behavior of a system. Two strategies of material modeling have been considered in the SelfSim‐based finite element analysis. These include a total stress‐strain strategy applied to analysis of a truss structure using synthetic measurement data and an incremental stress‐strain strategy applied to simulation of triaxial tests using experimental data. The results show that effective and accurate constitutive models can be developed from the proposed EPR‐based self‐learning finite element method. The EPR‐based self‐learning FEM can provide accurate predictions to engineering problems. The main advantages of using EPR over neural network are highlighted.  相似文献   
介绍了一种液压驱动贯入式海底沉积声学原位测量系统的电路控制单元的研究实现过程,以及该控制单元在南海北部海底沉积声学调查中的应用。该电路控制单元以Cortex-A8处理器为核心,集成大容量FLASH存储器,与单片机接口控制板进行串口通讯,实现对声学发射采集单元和机械液压贯入单元的可视化控制和监测。基于该电路控制单元,海底底质声学原位测量系统兼具自容式和在线式两种工作模式,可自容记录或实时采集声学原位测量单元在海底的工作状态数据、海底沉积物声速和声衰减系数等声学特性数据。该声学原位测量系统的实验室联调及南海海试结果表明,使用该电路控制单元对海底底质声学测量过程的监测与控制是有效的,对精确获取海底底质的原位声学特性有重要作用,可以促进海底底质声学原位测量系统的产品化。  相似文献   
基于分布式控制力矩陀螺的水下航行器轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于控制力矩陀螺群(CMGs)的水下航行器具有低速或零速机动的能力。采用基于分布式CMGs的水下航行器方案,并研究其水平面的轨迹跟踪控制问题。通过全局微分同胚变换将非完全对称的动力学模型解耦成标准欠驱动控制模型,并根据简化的模型构建其轨迹跟踪的误差动力学模型,将轨迹跟踪控制问题转化为误差模型镇定问题。基于一种分流神经元模型和反步法设计了系统的轨迹跟踪控制律,该控制器不需要对任何虚拟控制输入进行求导计算,且能确保跟踪误差的最终一致有界性。仿真结果表明该控制器能够实现在不依赖动力学参数先验知识的情况下对光滑轨迹的有效跟踪。  相似文献   
无人船运动控制方法综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实现无人船海上自主作业,无人船运动控制的快速性、准确性以及鲁棒性亟待提高。首先从全驱动控制和欠驱动控制角度,分别概括了国内外无人船航向控制、航速控制、轨迹跟踪控制以及路径跟踪控制的主流控制方法。其次,归纳总结了处理海洋环境不确定扰动的研究进展,包括扰动的建模和消除、抑制扰动的主流方法。最后,总结了无人船运动控制现状与存在的问题,并从工程应用和理论研究两个角度对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
石漠化是发生面积仅次于沙漠化的荒漠化类型,已成为中国西南喀斯特山区可持续发展的主要障碍,其治理与恢复是复杂的系统工程。从治理技术层面,以1 159组简单专利族为数据基础,揭示国内石漠化治理技术类别分布和主要领域。在对专利进行简要计量分析以提供概貌认识的基础上,通过阅读专利摘要内容,采用自下而上的聚类方法将当前专利划分为石漠化判断、治理、产业经济3个大类,监测与评价、科研仪器、生物治理、工程治理、化学治理、综合治理、综合产业、农业和工业9个中类,更细分至雨水搜集净化等42个小类。根据专利数量认定的四大主要技术领域为:工程治理(8.63%)、水分利用(12.51%)、栽培种植(27.52%)、植物资源加工(9.67%),占总量的58.33%,专利领域分布相对集中。对主要技术领域采用内容分析法,提取工程治理具体措施、集雨工具、植物、加工制品等的信息并对其进行了详细阐述,指出目前专利技术中的问题:石漠化地区特有的植物资源众多,但目前加工层次偏低,应在拓展加工类型、延长加工产业链条、发掘植物药用和日用价值方面加大研发力度;防止土壤漏失技术、设施农业技术和生命基因技术亟待发展。分析可为全面认识国内石漠化治理技术提供专利视角的参照。  相似文献   
The worldwide demand for renewable energy is increasing rapidly. Wind energy appears as a good solution to copy with the energy shortage situation. In recent years, offshore wind energy has become an attractive option due to the increasing development of the multitudinous offshore wind turbines. Because of the unstable vibration for the barge-type offshore wind turbine in various maritime conditions, an ameliorative method incorporating a tuned mass damper (TMD) in offshore wind turbine platform is proposed to demonstrate the improvement of the structural dynamic performance in this investigation. The Lagrange's equations are applied to establish a limited degree-of-freedom (DOF) mathematical model for the barge-type offshore wind turbine. The objective function is defined as the suppression rate of the standard deviation for the tower top deflection due to the fact that the tower top deflection is essential to the tower bottom fatigue loads, then frequency tuning method and genetic algorithm (GA) are employed respectively to obtain the globally optimum TMD design parameters using this objective function. Numerical simulations based on FAST have been carried out in typical load cases in order to evaluate the effect of the passive control system. The need to prevent the platform mass increasing obviously has become apparent due to the installation of a heavy TMD in the barge-type platform. In this case, partial ballast is substituted for the equal mass of the tuned mass damper, and then the vibration mitigation is simulated in five typical load cases. The results show that the passive control can improve the dynamic responses of the barge-type wind turbine by placing a TMD in the floating platform. Through replacing partial ballast with a uniform mass of the tuned mass damper, a significant reduction of the dynamic response is also observed in simulation results for the barge-type floating structure.  相似文献   
Decades of research has concluded that the percent of impervious surface cover in a watershed is strongly linked to negative impacts on urban stream health. Recently, there has been a push by municipalities to offset these effects by installing structural stormwater control measures (SCMs), which are landscape features designed to retain and reduce runoff to mitigate the effects of urbanisation on event hydrology. The goal of this study is to build generalisable relationships between the level of SCM implementation in urban watersheds and resulting changes to hydrology. A literature review of 185 peer-reviewed studies of watershed-scale SCM implementation across the globe was used to identify 52 modelling studies suitable for a meta-analysis to build statistical relationships between SCM implementation and hydrologic change. Hydrologic change is quantified as the percent reduction in storm event runoff volume and peak flow between a watershed with SCMs relative to a (near) identical control watershed without SCMs. Results show that for each additional 1% of SCM-mitigated impervious area in a watershed, there is an additional 0.43% reduction in runoff and a 0.60% reduction in peak flow. Values of SCM implementation required to produce a change in water quantity metrics were identified at varying levels of probability. For example, there is a 90% probability (high confidence) of at least a 1% reduction in peak flow with mitigation of 33% of impervious surfaces. However, as the reduction target increases or mitigated impervious surface decreases, the probability of reaching the reduction target also decreases. These relationships can be used by managers to plan SCM implementation at the watershed scale.  相似文献   
随着无人机技术的快速发展,无人机航空摄影测量的精度也大大改善,以无人机为平台低空摄影测量大比例尺地图成为可能。本文以旋翼无人机搭载非测量型相机,通过布设不同数量像控点进行分析和研究,得到无人机摄影测量在农村地区像控点布设规律。结果证明在合理像控点布设的情况下,无人机测图数字成果空中三角测量、平面和高程精度均可满足1∶500、1∶1000、1∶2000大比例尺地形测图的精度要求。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的出现和暴发流行,给社会、经济及人群健康提出巨大的挑战,已经成为重大公共卫生事件和社会问题。作为一种新发传染病,提早发现、迅速采用有效应对举措,是防止病毒蔓延扩散的重要环节。地理信息系统(GIS)在传染病的控制、预防、预警中有举足轻重的地位,移动GIS(Mobile GIS)作为GIS技术的发展,进一步提高了我国卫生部门应对突发传染病的能力。本文以COVID-19防控为例,重点介绍了移动GIS技术在传染病防控中的应用。  相似文献   
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